Tag Archives: happy

The power of NOW stay with the present! Love yourself, Share the LOVE!!

The most important thing to do, when having power of the mind, is to stay with the present. Many people find this difficult to do. You worry about what will happen tomorrow, and worry about events from the past.

stay with the present

When you do this, you lose today. You lose right now. Only right now. Right at this second. Right at this moment is your life.

You might wonder ‘when will my life get better’? or ‘when will get over this’? ‘when will things improve’? If you are wondering those things, you are wasting your life. Because the only time that you have power over, is right now, right at this second.

Only right now, right at this second, do you have power to change.

If you feel sad, try to distract your mind. Do something small right now, to make you feel better. Try to focus on right now. By staying with the present, you become in full control of your life. And therefore in better control, of making better life plans for the future.

There is no magical place, in the future when things will get better, it is now. As this is all that you have power over.

One of the biggest reasons for stress, anxiety, is being in a situation that you feel is out of your control. It can feel overwhelming. But the truth is, in most every day circumstances, you have the power right now, to be how you want to be, to feel how you want to.

It is up to you whether you choose to be happy or sad. You can change your mind in an instant. The power and the choice is yours.

If you are feeling low. Do something NOW which YOU enjoy. Don’t worry about the future. Or sit in reflection on the past. You cannot change the past. You can shape the future, but it has not happened yet. Why waste today? And the joy that you could experience today, by focusing on joy that might, or might not happen tomorrow?

Have something nice to eat, go for a walk, see something beautiful, be that, architecture, art, wildlife, see the beauty that is all around you. Have a candle lit bath, indulge yourself. If you are feeling low, now is the time, to put extra effort into recharging your energy.

By focusing on what might happen in the future, or sitting in reflection of the past, you are wasting your life. Because life, your life, is simply now. Right now, right as you are reading this, at this very second. This is you.

Be with the present, take control of your life, focus on now, and you will learn that the secret of true happiness really does come from within.

Love is life. So love yourself. Love your life right now. And if you are not loving it, then do something which makes you love it. Focus your energy  onto yourself. See the beauty of you, and all that is around you. Start to love yourself, and love life again.


Positive thinking – The EASY way!! :)

think positive

We often see the words ‘you are what you think’ or ‘change your thinking change your world’, many people look at this, and even post these words on posters on their Facebook wall. They know the words, but quite simply they do not know how to achieve this.

You are responsible for you. There is no ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ waiting to take you away to a better life. Only you can do this yourself. And if you do nothing, and sit and wait for things to ‘get better’ things will remain the same. Why is this? It is quite simply because your mind and how you think, controls your life.

Life is complicated. And it is made even more complicated by us, as humans. You should simplify your life. Remember, that realistically, we are just thought. When we are in spirit, thought is all that we are. We quite literally are ‘what we think we are’ life is all about perception, how we perceive it to be. Sometimes we get lost and stuck. The reason for this is because we are making life far too complicated.

So, I promised to tell you, the easiest way to achieve positive thinking.  It is so simple, that you will kick yourself for not realising it yourself.

You need to realise that there are only two real emotions.

  1. Love
  2. Fear

At this point, you will be ready to argue with me, and say but no, there is this or this or this. I want you to hear me out. Whatever emotion you can think of, EVERY single emotion, will come back to either – love – or fear.

As an example, lets use the word ‘envy’. Envy is fear. Why is envy fear? Envy is fear because we fear that this person has more than we have, we fear that we are  not as good as this person, we fear that if this person has so much, there will not be enough for us, we fear that this person is better than us, and therefore this makes us feel insignificant ourselves.

So, how do we change that feeling of envy, which is a negative emotion, into one which is positive? We do it, simply by removing the fear. So if you feel envious or jealous of someone. Remove the fear, replace the fear with love. Get a pen and paper and write it down if it helps.

I want you to get a piece of paper, and write down everything that makes you feel envy for this person Harry. This is fictitious, so, I will say the following:

  • I am jealous of Harry, he is better looking than me
  • He has a better job than me, is more successful
  • He is financially more secure than me
  • He has a loving caring support unit around him
  • He is popular

Now take each of those sentences and ask yourself – ‘where is the fear’  write it down.

For example:

  • I am scared that compared to him, I don’t look as attractive – and he will get all the women.
  •  You fear is that a) you wont look so attractive compared to him and b) you fear that he will get all the women, leaving none for you.

So, what i want you to do now… is change those statements. Remove your fear. Because you are focusing on HIM and not on YOU. I want you to change this statement, and to replace the fear with love – So, for example.

  • Harry is a good looking guy, he attracts a lot of women, that’s great for me, as he can’t possibly date them all.
  • He brings quite a few fit women into our circle. Other women are attracted to me, because I hang out with Harry.
  • I feel great about myself and I know that there are women who will love me for me. If Harry only attracts women who go for looks, well those are not the type i want anyway. And this leaves more for me.
  •  I want a woman who will love me, even when I have woken up early in the morning, after lack of sleep the night before. I want a woman who will never say to me ‘oh what have you done to your hair’

Now try the other examples, take away the fear, and replace it with love. Either use those examples, or choose real situations in your life. Think of things that are causing you anxiety, or stress.  Think of something that is making you feel negative. It can be anything at all.

Whatever your situation is, whatever your thinking is, whatever your problem is. Take a piece of paper. Write your problem down on paper. Write down your fear, then remove the fear and replace it with a loving feeling. Replace it with love.

That is the easiest way to think positively. When you think positively you attract positivity into your life. The more positive you have, the more you attract.

It might seem difficult at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will become and soon it will be second nature. And you will attract people towards you, because you will be a happy, positive soul who people love to be around. You will succeed. And you will be happy.

Try it and see!!